Language is a funny thing. When I speak of something, I assume there's something out there I'm referring to, something with an objective existence that's independent of my speaking of it.

"If a tree falls in the forest and there's no one there to hear it, does it make a sound?"

Of course it does. Because the question itself assumes an objective reality where things happen independently of anyone actually observing them. Or at least it calls this assumption to mind.

But it also questions the assumption. Or calls up a doubt that's already there: Can there be an actual tree, a forest, or even a person, outside of my field of awareness? I have ideas of such things, but do these ideas refer to anything but themselves or other ideas? Do they refer to anything outside of my immediate awareness?

I love the idea of a tree falling with great crashing fanfare when there's no one around to hear it. At the same time, I love the idea of there being not only no sound but no tree, no forest, and no person either. I also love the image of a red cherry sitting on a table. Yes, and the vision of a giant storm at sea. Or of a rich man winning the lottery. Or the sight of a broken twig. All wonderful stuff!

And the idea of there being a real world, an objective reality apart from my direct perception of it, is just another marvelous idea. Present awareness is all the reality there'll ever be. The whole notion of truth, rightness, and accuracy is based on the notion that there's something more than this. There isn't.


Isn't that wonderful?